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Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine 1996;17(3):205-213.
Published online March 1, 1996.
Analysis of stress and coping responses in residency.
Duk Won Bae, Yoo Seok Kim, Jong Seung Kim, Woong Chul Shin, Ga Young Lee, Tae Jin Park, Byung Sung Kim
전공의 스트레스와 대응반응에 관한 연구
배덕원, 김유석, 김종승, 신웅철, 이가영, 박태진, 김병성
울산의대 가정의학교실
: The residency is chronic stressful condition. This study was attempted to know related factors to stress and coping responess of residency.

Methods : We selected 526 subjects who were under residency in university hospital in Pusan. We sent stress-related guestionaires by the mail. Among 161 responses, we excluded 4 responses which were inadequate report. The stress was measured by Lee's scale and Brief Encounter Psychoso-cial Instrum, ent(BEPSI). The coping rresponse was examined by 19 ciping options for stressful experie-nce by billings and Moos. Also we examined freguency of stress-related symptoms.

Results : The esx distribution was 123(79%) in male, 33(21%) in female. Lee's scale and BEPSI were not related siggnificantly with age. sex, marital status and resident grade. The feguency of stress-reated symptoms was 5.9(P=0.14) in female, in contrast to 4.1 in male, But other factors were not related with frequency of stress-related svmptoms. Among coping responses, number of avoidance-coping in male was 2.7, and it was signficantly highter than 2.0 in female. Among in male, the number of avoidance-coping was ssignificantly increased (P=0.005). and the numbers of avoidance-coping responses of drinking group and smoking group were significantly higher than those of non-drinking group and non-smoking group (P<0.001, P=0.001, respectively). In variables associated stress and coping response, age shown significant positive correlation with avoidance-coping and emotion-focused coping. BEPSI and Lee's scale were shown significant positive correlation with frequency of stress-related wymptons was correlated with avoida-nce-coping and emotion-focused coping.

Conclusion : Positive correlation was present bwtween stress and aboidance-coping in residency. So, we need social support and change in education program of residency for active copin.
연구배경 : 전공의는 만성적인 스트레스를 경험하는 집단이다. 전공의의 스트레스와 대응반응에 영향을 미치는 요인을 알아보고자 본 연구를 시행하였다.

방법 : 1995년 8월에 부산 소재 4개 대학 병원에 근무하는 전공의 1, 2, 3년차 526명을 대상으로 우편으로 설문을 조사하였다. 응답한 161명중 불성실 응답자 4명을 제외한 157명(회수율:29.8%)을 본 연구의 대상으로 하였다. 스트레스량은 이평숙의 척도와 Brief Encou-nter Psychosocial Instrument(BEPSI)로 측정하였다. Billings와 Moos의 스트레스 경험에 대한 19개 대응방안(coping options)을 사용하여 대응반응을 조사하였고, 스트레스시 보이느 중상의 빈도도 조사하였다.

결과 : 전공의의 성별 분포는 남자 124명(79.0%), 여자 33명(21.0%)이었다. 이평숙의 척도 점수 및 BEPSI는 성, 연령, 결혼유무, 전공의 연차에 따라 유의한 상관관계가 없었다. 스트레스


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