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Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine 2002;23(7):855-868.
Published online July 10, 2002.
An Analysis of Outpatient Prescription before and after the Implementation of the Medical Reform in an University Hospital.
Byung Wook Yoo, Ji Won Kang, Sung Taek Kim, Jung Eun Oh, Sung Ho Hong, Choo Yon Cho
Department of Family Medicine, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine, Korea.thiamine@unitel.co.kr
의약분업 시행을 전후한 한 대학병원 외래처방 분석 An Analysis of Outpatient Prescription before and after the Implementation of the Medical Reform in an University Hospital
순천향대학교 의과대학 가정의학교실

Department of Family Medicine, Soonchunhyang University College of Medicine



In Korea before the enforcement of the medical reform in July 2000, it was generally difficult to analyze the conditions of prescriptions in hospitals and clinics. It was true that the circulation process of prescribed medicine was unclear and that there was no support between medical and pharmaceutical industries with the government. Also with the reality of high rate of pharmaceutical expenses among medical costs in Korea, it was necessary to enforce reform of medical and pharmaceutical industries and for our citizens to follow the new reform as well in order to prevent drug abuse and reduce medical costs. This research was to provide basis for future studies on prescription conditions and related factors through compared analysis of before and after the medical reform by analyzing university hospital prescriptions.

A comparison and analysis of patients, who visited a university hospital for medical treatment, was dpme. There were 23,974 patients in March 2000, and 22,550 patients in March 2001. During these periods 16,870, 12,919 prescriptions were each issued, respectively.

There was a total of 46,524 outpatients with 29,789 prescription issued. There were 23,974 outpatients in March 2000 and 22,550 in March 2001 with 16,870 and 12,919 prescriptions, respectively. Among the outpatients, there were 20,769 men (44.6%) and 24,471 women (52.6%) with 13,527 and 16,209 prescriptions, respectively. In comparing the outpatients and prescription issued patients in March 2000 and in March 2001, both men and women showed decrease in the number of prescriptions (P<0.001). Also in the ages between 0-15, 16-40 and 41-65, there was a clear evidence of decrease in the number of both outpatients and prescription issued patients (P<0.001). However in the age group of 65 and over there was an increase of 4,453 patients from 3,956 outpatients. The patient analysis in March 2000 and March 2001 excluding the outpatients in emergency, urology, dentistry and radiology shows a decrease in the number of patients in medical departments in general. Also except for the increase of prescription authorized patients in dentistry, urology and family health, it showed a decrease. In general, there was a decrease in the number of cases in the issuance of prescriptions excluding few item changes in the upper 1st to 10th medicine categories in prescribed frequencies. For prescribed medicine categories no vast difference existed. In total medicine categories, there was a decrease in injections from 24.5% to 12.3% and increase of oral medications from 64.5% to 73.8%. Also there was a significant decrease of prescriptions in injections for antibiotics and significant increase of prescription for anti-hypertensive agents such as Angiotensin Converting Enzyme inhibitors.

This study involved before and after the reform of prescription conditions and obtained related factor information. The results may differ depending on the type of a hospital, patient distribution and local area, but has provided valuable basic research information which did not exist in previous university hospital unit. Hence in relation to the before and after the medical reform, future studies on diseases and on significant changes in elderly patient care, antibiotic usage and in categories of anti-hypertensive agents may be necessary.

중심 단어: 처방, 의약분업, 항생제, 혈압 강하제, 노인, prescription, medical reform, antibiotics, anti-hypertensive agents, elders


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