J Korean Acad Fam Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine 1991;12(7):30-35.
Published online July 1, 1991.
Survey on reason for visit in university family practice after introduction of health care delivery system.
Min Ok Jang, Hong Jun Cho, Hye Soon Park, Young Sik Kim
의료전달체계 도입이후 가정의학과 외래환자의 방문동기에 관한 연구
장민옥, 조홍준, 박혜순, 김영식
울산의대 서울중앙병원 가정의학교실
To know the reason for visit to university practice family medicine outpatient department. A queationnaire survey conducted to the 343 patients on the first visit to Family Practice.
The results of this survey were as follows
1. Among 343, male was 37.6% and female was 62.4% respectively.
2. Distribution of residency were as follows ; Song-Pa Gu was 30.7%, Kang-Dong Gu was 29.4%, Sung out Dong was 10.8% respectively.
3. The most common reason for visit to clinic is for getting referral paper for insurance coverage(30.9%).
4. The cashier of first visit window guided the patient to Family Medicine Outpatient Department in 46.6% of all first visits.
5. It was local clinic that the patients most commomly visited before revisited to this hospital.
6. The reason for revisiting to this hospital was unsatifactoriness of other clinic.
7. The patient who favor of health care delivery system was 57.4% of the stuby subjects.


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