The Functional Food Usage and Relation with Fatigue for Male Workers. |
Sung Gon Lee, Sung Min Lee, Eun Hee Kong, Jong Soon Choi |
Department of Family Medicine, Kosin University College of Medicine, Busan, Korea. |
직장 남성의 건강기능식품 섭취 실태와 피로도와의 관련성 |
이성곤, 이성민, 공은희, 최종순 |
고신대학교 의과대학 가정의학교실 |
Abstract |
Background Fatigue is a common problem in male workers as they have responsibilities in both role in home and in work place. The use of functional food has been one of the popular choices for fatigue recovery. This study was conducted to investigate the prevalence of functional food usage and its relationship with fatigue in male workers.Methods: The study subjects were male workers seen for health check up at a university hospital in Busan from May to July 2009. They completed a questionnaire including social factor, occupational factor, life style, functional food usage and disease status. The subjects were divided into groups according to fatigue severity.Results: Among 770 subjects, 267 (34.7%) consumed functional food daily. Most of them used functional food to recover fatigue as a supplement nutrition by their wife's or surrounding person's recommendation. There were significant difference between fatigue and non-fatigue group in age, occupation satisfaction, alcohol drinking, and insomnia. The prevalence of fatigue was 37.8%. The functional food usage significantly increased with fatigue severity scale (P < 0.001).Conclusion: Fatigue is common problem in male workers. The functional food usage is relation with fatigue severity. |
Key Words:
Functional Food; Fatigue; Fatigue Severity; Male Workers |