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Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine 2002;23(7):917-924.
Published online July 10, 2002.
The Association of Abdominal Fat with Serum Insulin and Atherogenic Index for Obese Females.
Ka Young Lee, Hae Sook Sohn, Nam Su Lee, Jung Hee Han, Ki Jung Kim
1Department of Family Medicine, Inje University Medical School, Korea. Fmlky@ijnc.inje.ac.kr
2Department of Preventive Medicine, Inje University Medical School, Korea.
3Department of Nutrition, Inje University Medical School, Korea.
비만 여성에서 복부 지방과 인슐린 및 The Association of Abdominal Fat with Serum Insulin and Atherogenic Index for Obese Females


The purpose of this study was to find an independent relationship between waist circumference/waist-to-hip ratio which estimates abdominal fat and fasting insulin/atherogenic index which is a predictor of coronary heart disease in obese women.

The subjects were 80 obese (BMI≥25 kg/m2) women. Whole body fat was estimated by body fat mass, % body fat using bioelectrical impedence, and by BMI. Abdominal fat was measured by waist circumference (WC) and waist-to-hip ratio. Fasting insulin was examined and atherogenic index was defined asthe ratio of serum total cholesterol to HDL-cholesterol. Independent association between abdominal fat and insulin/AI was analyzed using partial correlation, multiple regression and Hotelling t-test.

Among subjects, 85.7% of obese women had WC greater or equal to 80 cm. The mean BMI was 30.3 kg/m2. The partial correlations between whole body fat and insulin/AI were not significantly different from the partial correlations between abdominal fat and insulin/AI. When age and height were adjusted, partial correlations between abdominal fat and insulin were 0.38 and 0.39. The partial correlations were reduced to 0.15∼0.29 after further adjusting for whole body fat. Age and height-adjusted partial correlations between abdominal fat and AI were 0.34 and 0.36. The partial correlations were reduced to -0.11∼0.17 when whole body fat was additionally adjusted. Whole body fat explained 9.9∼13.7% for variability of insulin; abdominal fat explained 14.2% and 15.9%. Whole body fat explained 12.5∼12.8% for variability of AI and abdominal fat explained 11.9%.

Most of the obese women showed abdominal obesity. Abdominal fat did not seem to be independently associated with fasting insulin and atherogenic index.

중심 단어: 복부 지방, 비만, 여성, 인슐린, 동맥경화성 지표, abdominal fat, obesity, women, fasting insulin, atherogenic index


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