Changes of Bone Mineral Density and Biochemical Bone Markers during Perimenopausal Period for Healthy Women: Retrospective Cohort Study. |
Seongwook Kang, Seongwook Hwang, Moonjong Kim, Seunggon Choi, Jeen Lee, Younggon Kang, Youngjin Lee, Chulyoung Bae |
Department of Family Medicine, Pundang Cha General Hospital, College of Medicine, Pochun Chung-Moon University, Korea. |
폐경 주변기 여성에서 골밀도와 생화학적 골대사지표의 변화 -후향적 코호트 연구- Changes of Bone Mineral Density and Biochemical Bone Markers during Perimenopausal Period for Healthy Women -Retrospective Cohort Study- |
강성욱,황성욱,김문종,최승권,이진,강영곤,이영진,배철영 |
포천중문의과대학교 분당차병원 가정의학교실 Department of Family Medicine, Pundang Cha General Hospital, College of Medicine, Pochun Chung-Moon University |
초록 |
Although it is well known that bone mineral density (BMD) loss occurs after menopausal transition, there are only few previous studies that describe differences of BMD and biochemical bone markers in women of pre- and postmenopausal periods. The purpose of this study was to find factors that contribute to loss of BMD after menopause and to show changes of BMD and biochemical bone markers during pre- and postmenopausal periods by retrospective cohort study. Methods This retrospective cohort study was performed from Jan. 1995 to Jan. 2001 at a health promotion center. Twenty one healthy perimenopausal women were enrolled. BMD and biochemical bone markers were checked more than two times during the study period. Changes of BMD and biochemical bone markers between pre- and postmenopausal state were compared by paired t-test. Pearson correlation and multiple regression were performed to find the contributing factors to loss of BMD after menopause.
Results Postmenopausal BMD (164.65±36.34 mg/cm3) was significantly decreased to 16.49±16.91 mg/cm3 (P<0.001) as compared with premenopausal BMD (181.14±40.81 mg/cm3). In biochemical bone markers only urine deoxypyridinoline had a significant difference (3.30±3.97 nMDP/mMcre, P<0.05) Only premenopausal BMD contributed to decreasing rate of BMD between the two states and the loss of BMD after menopause (P<0.05).
Conclusion In perimenopausal healthy women, postmenopausal BMD was significantly decreased as compared with premenopausal BMD. And only premenopausal BMD was shown to be a contributing factor to decreasing rate of BMD between the two states and the loss of BMD after menopause. It suggests that premenopausal BMD is important in predicting postmenopausal osteoporosis and efforts to prevent loss of BMD before menopause can prevent progress of postmenopausal osteoporosis.
중심 단어:
폐경 주변기, 골밀도의 변화, 생화학적 골대사지표의 변화, perimenopausal period, bone mineral density, biochemical bone marker |