Trend of the Subjects and Participants of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine Conference. |
Seon Je Lim, Yoo Seock Cheong, Eal Whan Park, Eun Young Choi, Sa Ra Lee, Sam Lee, Bit Noony Song, Hee Jung Kim, Hwa Yeon Seong |
Department of Family Medicine, Dankook University College of Medicine, Cheonan, Korea. |
대한가정의학회 학술대회 주제영역과 참가자의 추이 |
임선제, 정유석, 박일환, 최은영, 이사라, 이샘, 송빛누니, 김희정, 성화연 |
단국대학교 의과대학 가정의학교실 |
Abstract |
Background Throughout the past 20 years in the Korean academy of family medicine seasonal conference, on-going study is done to promote overall development and satisfaction of the conference participants and to overlook the trend of the conference subject, the number of classes, the number of participants, etc. Methods: About 2,132 topics during the conference from the year 1992 to 2007 collected from the Korean academy of family medicine website were categorized by subject based on the standard of the contents of the latest textbook. There were a total of 7 main classifi cations including 5 categories like 'principles of family medicine', 'disease prevention and health promotion', 'symptoms', 'clinical procedures', 'diseases' and adding 2 categories such as each committee' classes and other subjects. The scope of the changes of the main and sub-titles were categorized as in the 1990s and 21 century. Results: The number of attendees has increased during the past 20 years, especially the residents were the main portion of the participants. On the proportion of the clinical topics, there was a remarkable increase of geriatric medicine, palliative medicine, obesity, exercise, nutrition, gastroscopy, and colonoscopy procedure in the later half rather than the former half period. In the fi eld of the main category, the core principle subjects of family medicine seemed to be decreased in contrast to disease category. Conclusion: During the last 20 years, the titles of family medicine conference are changing with the trend of practice. The core knowledge of family medicine should be maintained and balanced for the future of family medicine conference. |
Key Words:
Korean Academy of Family Medicine; Seasonal Conference; Subject |