A study on patterns of menstruation and age of menarche of urban middle school girls. |
Young Soon Jang, Hye Soon Park, Hong Jun Cho, Young Sik Kim |
도시지역 여자중학생의 초경시기 및 초경양상에 관한 연구 |
조홍준, 김영식, 박혜순, 장영순 |
울산대학 서울중앙병원 가정의학교실 |
Abstract |
It is clearly defined through a number of authoritative studies that the age of menarche influenced by the various combined factors such as nutrition status, physical status, physical growth and development status, socioeconomic status, locality, culture, education level, climate, race, heredity, etc. This study was designed to obtain the menarche, the factors which influence on menarche and the menstrual patterns after menarche. For the data sampling, self-administered questionnaire survey was made in May, 1990 among the 600 girls in a middle school (389 total menarcheal girls) in urban area. 1. The rates of menses experience by years were 33.9% in the age group of 12 years girls 52.0% in 13 years. 80.8% in 14 years, 93.3% in 15 years respectively. 2. The mean age of menarche was 12.6 years old. And the menarcheal age ranged from 9.3 years to 15.3 years old. 3. The girls at menarche were taller and heavier than those of the same age who had not experienced menarche. 4. The mean weight at menarche was 49.1±6.2 Kg, and the mean height at menarche was 156.6±5.1 cm(mean±S.D.). 5. The menarcheal age was not influenced by siblings, the educational level of parents and economic status. 6. The summer and winter were highly frequent seasons of the menarche. 7. The irregularity of menstruation was 41.7% and the proportion of normal menstruation, polymenorrhea, oligomenorrhea and amenorrhea were 17.2%, 11.0%, 14.1% and 3.7% respectively. The mean menstrual interval was 32.1±10.8 days and the mean duration was 4.5±1.3 days. 8. The menarcheal age, thinking to be fat, stress, weight loss, exercise, sleeping hours, drug ingestion and menstrual symptoms were not associated with the menstrual patterns. |