A study on CT brain scanning of the patients without neurologicsigns in the patient group who had visited an emergency room. |
Seon Hyang Jang, Nam Hyen Choi, Jong Tae Choi, Eui Shik Chung |
신경학적 징후가 없는 환자의 뇌전산화 단층촬영 소견에 관한 고찰 |
장선향, 최남현, 최종태, 정의식 |
전주예수병원 가정의학과 |
Abstract |
We researched the 112 non-traumatic patients without focal neurologic signs.
The results were as follows : 1. In the characteristics of the patient-group, the number of men was larger than that of women, the average age of them was 50.8 years, and there were many fifties and sixties. In the past history, the number of patients with hypertension was the largest. In the symptoms there were dizziness, headache, nausea, vomiting in order. In the hours which the patients spent on visiting this Medical Center after symptoms had emerged, there were 70 people within 24 hours(61.2%), which was largest. 2. In the result of CT scannings, 11 people(9.8%) was proved to have abnormal finindings. In the finidings of 11 people, there were 7 people with brain atrophy, 2 people with old cerebral infarction and one person with mass finding, hydrocephalus and abnormal calcification each(one person with both old cerebral infarction and hydrocephalus). 3. In the diagnosis of discharged patients, there were 45 people (40.2%) with ischemic cerebrovascular disease, 27 people(24.1%) with hypertension, and some people with mental disorder, cardiac disease, migraine and etc. 4. There was no significant relation between diagnostic frequency of ischemic cerebrovascular disease and sex, age, the spent time, Yet it was rather significant in the group with risk disease in the past history. According to the above results, when CT scanning was taken to the non-traumatic patients without focal neurologic signs, the significant findings related with the symptoms in CT scanning were only cerebral infarction, hydrocephalus, mass, and so we can say that the positive ratio of abnormal findings was low. Therefore, the usefulness of routine CT scanning ought to be carefully considered and more active history taking and physical examination of a doctor is absolutely required. |