의사의 전문가적 스트레스 분석에 관한 연구 -개원의와 전공의의 비교- |
김윤진 윤방부 |
연세대학교의과대학 가정의학교실 |
Abstract |
In this study, the stress of medical profession between 67 doctors in general practice and 30 doctors under training resident who work in medical school hospital were compared. The results were as follows; 1) In comparing the stress between general practitioners and resident doctors, the latter had statistically significantly higher level of stress. The general practitioners had more stress primarily on medicolegal problems, less leisure time and financial problems in order respectively, where as the residents also had more stress primarily in medicolegal problems, secondarily it was less leisure time and finally intrinsic medical stress which had put more stress on them. 2) The general practitioners were more able to cope with the situation statistically significantly, but both the general practitioners and the residents used rationalization and adaptation, social support as their main method of coping. 3) Positive correlation was shown in comparison of the degree of stress and depression among the two groups. The general practitioners had significant positive correlation with respect to overwork, loss of self confidence relationship with other medical personnels, financial problems. The resident showed significant positive correlation in aspect such as intrinsic medical stress, loss of self confidence, isolation from social activity, relationship with other medical personnel, and problems training program and education. 4) Negative correlation was seen in comparing the relationship between the frequent use of coping method and the degree of depression. In the case of general practitioners, negative correlation was shown in aspects such as proper use of leisure time, self-care and social support, where as significant negative correlation was shown with respect to the proper use of leisure time, self-care, social support, rationalization and adaptation in the case of the residents. As a result despite higher level of stress, residents were less able to cope with stress than doctors in general practice. There was difference among the two groups with respect to the contents and method of coping with stress, and also in the correlation between stress contents and depression with that of method of coping. |