임산부의 경구용 철분복용에 대한 인식도와 복용실태에 관한 연구 (Knowlege and Attitude of Pregnant Woman in Oral Iron Supplementation During Pregnancy) |
윤방부(Youn Bang Bu),이혜리(Lee Hye Ree),배철영(Chul Young Bae),이서용(Sel Yong Rhee),이제룡(Jae Ryong Lee),조주연(Cho Choo Yon) |
연세대학교의과대학 가정의학교실 |
Abstract |
It is well known that iron deficiency anemia is a comon physiological condition during pregnancy. In order to prevent this condition, iron supplementation in pregnancy is advised. This study was carried out to assess knowledge and attitude and investigate factors influencing them, and compare serum hemoglobin between iron suplemented and control groups. This study was performed on 368 pregnant women who were admitted to general hospitals for delivery. 1) The most common source of knowledge for iron supplementation during pregnancy was doctor's advice and increase in the number of prenatal care visits correlated with increase in frequency of doctor's advice to take supplemental iron. 2) 62.8% of pregnant women had required fair knowledge about iron supplementation during pregnancy. There was significant increase in the knowledge of iron supplementation if the pregnant women were older. had higher education, and were previously advised to take iron supplementation. 3) Only 19.3% of pregnant women had adequate oral intake of iron. One who had more frequent prenatal visits and vere advised to take iron previously were actually taking theoral supplements adeqately. 4) There was significant increase of hemoglobin in pregnant women who were adequately taking oral supplements compared to ones who were not supplemented. |