고 콜레스테롤혈증에 대한 임상의사의 관심도에 대한 연구 (A Study to the Recognition of Clinician to Hypercholesterolemia) |
윤방부(Youn Bang Bu),이혜리(Lee Hye Ree),오미경(Oh Mi Kyung),임영섭(Lim Young Sop),서문천(Moon Chun Seo) |
연세대학교의과대학 가정의학교실 |
Abstract |
Hypercholesterolemia is a well known risk factor of coronary heart disease with smoking, hypertension, ageing process, obesity, male, diabetes mellitus and emotional stress. This study was designed to check the recognition of clinical doctor to the patient with elevated cholesterol level. Patient chart was reviewed retrospectively in 6,396 patients aged over 30 years, admitted patients in the one University Hosp. in Seoul, Korea. between Jan. 1, 1989, and May 31, 1989. In this study Hosp., the serum cholesterol was checked routinly in admitted patients by SMA-12, general blood chemistry examination. The study groop was devided two groop, age 30-39 groop with over 220mg/dl-cholesterol level and age over 40 with over 240mg/dl-chloesterol level, and then, the patients with nephrotic syndrome, DM, user of diuretics, porphyria, hypothyroidism, etc. was escluded. The goal of this study is designed to detected the recognition of clinician to health promotion, not diseased state. In age 30-39 grop, the patients with cholesterol level over 220mg/dl was 52 case (male 15, femle 37), and in age groop over 40, the patient with cholesterol level over 240mg/dl was 80 case(male 35, female 45). Of patients with elevated serum cholesterol level recommanded, only 9.8% were recorded the diagnosis of hypercholesterolemia, only 16.7% were treated, and only 33.3% were included follow-up check. As the summary of the result of this study, the recognition of clinician in this study Hosp. to hypercholesterolemia was relatively lower than other study, reported in USA. |