지역별 주민의 건강유지 실천 행위에 관한 소고 (An Exploratory Study of Behavior of Healtb-Maintenance and Promotion for Regional Communities.) |
윤방부(Youn Bang Bu),이혜리(Lee Hye Ree),곽기우(Kwak Ki Woo),서문천(Moon Chun Seo),김대현(Kim Dae Hyun) |
연세대학교의과대학 가정의학교실 |
Abstract |
This exploratory research introduces the concept of Behavior of Health Maintenance and Promotion, and describes the activities that people perform to maintain and promote their health. Data from interviews and questionnaires with 512, randomly selected subjects in rural and urban communities from July 6 to Sept. 20, 1989 were analyzed. Of these, 321(62.7%) reported that they had practiced Behavior of Health Maintenance and Promotion. In content of behavior, 70.1% were food, 24.3% were vitamins and a restorative medicine(herb medication), 4.4% were excercise, and only 1.2% were a periodic health examination. From a priority order as compare rural with urban communities, food were predominant in rural community, vitamins and exercise were predominant urban community, and a restorative medicine(herb medication) bore almost the resemblance in both communities. Especially, they had favored soup of dog's meat(5.5%), extract juice of dog's meat(2.3%), and soup of snake(0.8%) among food. Also, higher the economic state, higher the practical behavior was favored. 50.2% of those who indulged in health promotion practiced continuously at regular intervals, and had a tendency to practice steadily. |