댐건설로 인한 인공호수주변 춘천지역과 원주지역 주민들간의 질병증상발현율 비교 연구 (Pilot Survey of Morbidity Pattern in Chun Cheon Area Since the Construction of the Dams.) |
유준현(Yoo Jun Hyeon),허봉렬(Huh Bong Yul) |
강동성심병원 가정의학과 서울대학교병원 가정의학과 |
Abstract |
This study was performed to find out the influence of the multipurpose dam on the health of the dwellers. In this study, the prevalences of the musculoskeletal system symptoms and repiratory system symptoms of the citizens in Chuncheon-si and Chunseong-kun(934) were compared to those of the citizens in Wonju-si and Wonju-kun(948) as control group during 4 weeks Nov 15 to Dec 13, 1989. The results were as follows ; 1) The prevalence difference of the musculoskeletal symptoms between the two groups was insignificant. 2) In the study group, and prevalence of respiratory system symptoms during period of past 3 months was somewhat higher than that of control group, but there was no difference of the prevalence of respiratory symtoms during the period of survey 4 weeks. This study was performed as a pilot study of main study which is proposing now. So the results of this study will be adapted to the main study. |