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Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine 1994;15(4):208-217.
Published online April 1, 1994.
The relationship between smoking status and a high white blood cell count.
Eu Sik Jung, Hyung Moo Shim, Dong Seon Cho, Jong Tae Choi
흡연상태와 백혈구수 증가의 관련성
정의식, 심형무, 조동선, 최종태
예수병원 가정의학과
: It is known that smoking is harmful to humanbody and it brings about several diseases and it has risk of losing life. A high white blood cell count has been shown leukocyte toxicity even to a normal and it has been shown to exist in certain disease status, such as current infection, some malignancies and acute myocardial infarction. It was reported that it involved in the pathogenesis of diseases such as gout, emphysema, artherosclerosis and coronary heart disease. This study intends to show the relationship between smoking status and white blood cell count.

Methods : From May 1992 to July 1993, we had a questionnaire interview, phone interview and mail interview to over 35 year-old male who had visited the presbyterian Medical Center for their health screening. Among them, we studied 447 persons. Hypertension, diabetes, cardiovascular disease and hyperlipidemia were excluded. We made a distinction current smoker, ex-smoker, non-smoker from them according to smoking status. There was many variables according to age, education, economics, smoking status, the amounts of daily smoking, the duration of smoking, alcohol drinking, exercise status, diseases, height, weight, BMI and white blood cell counts. We made use of Chi-square test, ANOVA test and multiple regression analysis in order to make a statistical analysis.

Results : Current smokers were 250, ex-smokers were 24, non-smokers were 173. There was a positive association between smoking status and white blood cell count(P<0.05). Other associations were exercise status, alcohol drinking and education. Mean white blood cell counts according to smoking status were 6,472cells/mm³ in non-smokers, 6,979 cells/mm³, 7,258 cells/mm³ when they exercised for over 30 minutes everyday and exerciser's case, mean white blood cell counts were 6,544 cells/mm³. Also they were 7,228 cells/mm³ when they never exercised(P<0.05). There was a significant association between smoking status and a high white blood cell count though we controlled the exercise status(P<0.05). It was examined that the more the amounts of smoking incerased, the more white blood cell count inereased(p<0.05). It was examined that the more the amounts of smoking incerased, the more white blood cell count inereased(p<0.05).

Conclusion : There was a significant association between smoking status and a high white blood cell count. After we controlled the disturbance factor, the results were same. There was a dose-response relationship between the amounts of smoking and white blood cell count. Therefore we can conclude that smoking increase white blood cell count and it is a factor of strengthening leukocyte toxicity.
연구배경 : 흡연이 인체에 유해하며 여러 질환을 일으켜 생명에 위험을 초래한다는 사실은 잘 알려져 있다. 백혈구수 증가는 정상인에서도 백혈구 유독성을 나타내며, 감염상태와 암, 급성 심근경색증과 같은 질병의 존재를 시사하고, 통풍, 폐기종, 동맥경화증, 관상동맥질환 등의 질병발생과 관련이 있는 것으로 보고되었다. 본 연구는 흡연상태와 백혈구수 증가의 상호 관련성을 파악하고자 한다.

방법 : 1992년 5월부터 1993년 7월까지 성인병 검진을 위해 예수병원을 방문한 35세이상 남자에게 설문지 배부, 전화설문 및 우편설문을 하였고, 이 중 고혈압, 당뇨, 심혈관질환, 고지혈증을 제외한 447명을 대상으로 하였다. 흡연상태를 흡연자, 과거흡연자, 비흡연자로 구분하였다. 조사한 변수는 나이, 학력, 경제력, 흡연상태, 하루흡연량, 흡연기간, 음주여부, 운동상태, 질병의 유무, 키, 체중, 체질량지수, 백혈구수 등 이었다. 통계처리는 Chi-square test, ANOVA test, 다중희귀분석을 이용하였다.

결과 : 흡연군 250명, 과거흡연군 24명, 비흡연군 173명이었으며, 흡연상태와 백혈구수는 양의 상관(P<0.05)를 보였고, 이 밖에 운동상태, 음주여부, 학력등이 유의한 상관을 보였다. 흡연상태에 따른 평군 백혈구수는 비흡연군 6,472cells/㎣, 과거흡연군 6,979cells/㎣, 흡연군 7,258 cells/㎣(P<0.05)이었고, 운동상태에 따른 평균 백혈구수는 하루에 30분이상 일주일에 3일이상 운동한 경우 6,718 cells/㎣, 그 미만이지만 가끔 한 경우 6,545 cells/㎣, 안하는 경우 7,228 cells/㎣(P<0.05)이었다. 흡연과 백혈구수 증가의 관련성은 운동상태를 통제한 상태에서도 유의(P<0.05)하였으며, 흡연량이 증가할수록 백혈구수가 증가하는 관계를 보였다(P<0.05).

결론 : 흡연과 백혈구수 증가는 유의한 상호 관련성이 있었으며, 교란 요인을 통제한 후에도 유의하였다. 흡연량과 백혈구수는 용량-반응관계가 있다. 따라서 흡연은 백혈구수를 증가시킴으로써, 백혈구 유독성을 강화시키는 한 요인으로 생각된다.


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