The Relationship between Smoking Status and Other Unhealthy Practices. |
Dong Seon Cho, Jong Tae Choi, Seok Ro Lee, Eu Sik Cheong |
흡연과 비건강행위의 관련성 |
조동선, 최종태, 이석로, 정의식 |
Abstract |
Background : A number of epidemiological and medical studies have clearly documented the negative effects of smoking on health and, it was reported that smokers be more susceptible to unhealthy behaviors than never smokers. Thereafter, we carried out this study to clear out the association between smoking and other unhealthy other behaviors.
Methods : Data were gathered from 20~65 year aged 529 males, who visited Presbyterian Medical Center to be evaluated for general check up, and to attend them by interviewing from June 23rd, 1993 to August 6th, 1993 with questionnaires. General features included age, education, job, monthly income, religion, marital status and, unhealthy behaviors included overweight, breakfast, sleep, exercise, drinking from Alameda County Study, and smoking status. Thereafter, taken with results, we performed statistical analysis among the results by means of chisquare test and Chisquare trend test.
Results : 502 subjects among the 529 subjects were validly replied. The average age was 41, 83% were mid-school graduateds, 80% were 500,000 Won or more monthly family income, 60% had a religion, 82% were married. 23% were never smokers, 24% were former smokers, 53% were current smokers. Among the unhealthy behaviors, the factors that were significantly associated with smoking were overweight, breakfast, exercise, drinking, but sleep was not associated with smoking. Compared with non-smokers, smokers were more likely to skip breakfast, ciated with smoking. Compared with non-smokers, smokers were more likely to skip breakfast, not exercise actively, and drink heavily. Overweight was significantly associated with smoking, but had no trend with smoking.
Conclusion : Smoking was found to be partially associated with unhealthy behaviors. Primary physicians who managed and counselled the smokers need to consider these associations and, therefore, comprehensive approaches are needed for health promotion of their patients. The limitations of this study were small sample size and, limitation to male sex, uncontrollability of the association between variables. |
초록 |
연구배경 : 흡연이 건강에 미치는 부정적 영향에 대해서는 잘 알려져 있으며 흡연자에서 비흡연자에 비해 비건강행위의 유병률이 높다고 보고된 바 있다. 본 연구는 흡연과 비건강행위의 관련성을 알고자 하였다.
방법 : 1993년 6월부터 8월까지 예수병원을 내원한 성인병검진 및 그의 보호자 중 20~65세 남자에게 설문지를 배부하여 조사에 응한 529명을 대상으로 면접 및 자기기입식조사를 하여 그 결과를 분석하였다. 일반특성으로는 나이, 학력, 직업, 월수입, 종교 및 결혼상태를, 비건강행위로 Alameda Country Study에서 보고한 과체중여부, 아침식사여부, 수면시간, 운동정도, 음주양상 및 흡연상태를 조사하였다.
결과 : 총 대상자 529명중 502명이 응답하였고 일반특성으로는 평균연령 42세, 중졸이상 83%, 월평균소득 50만원이상 83%, 종교인 60%, 기혼자 82%이었다. 흡연상태는 비흡연자 113명, 과거흡연자 121명, 흡연자 263명이었고 비건강행위중 흡연과 유의한 관계가 있는 요인은 과체중여부, 아침식사여부, 운동정도, 음주상태이었고 수면시간은 유의하지 않았다. 흡연자는 비흡연자에 비해 아침식사를 안하고 운동을 덜하며 술을 심하게 마시는 경향이 있었다. 과체중은 흡연과 유의한 상관이 있었으나 일정한 경향을 보이지는 않았다.
결론 : 흡연은 일부 비건강행위와 유의한 상관을 보였다. 흡연자를 치료 상담하는 의사는 이러한 관계를 고려하여 환자의 건강증진을 위해서 금연 뿐 아니라 포괄적인 접근이 필요하다고 생각한다. |