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Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine 2004;25(2):126-132.
Published online February 10, 2004.
The Positive Rate of Serum Rheumatoid Factor in Health Screening Subjects and Related Factors.
Jae Soon Song, Kyoung Ho Eom, Jong Bum Park, Won Duk Kim, Seoung Ho Han, Joo sung Park
Department of Family Medicine, Dong-A University College of Medicine, Busan, Korea. jspark@donga.ac.kr
건강검진자의 혈청 류마티스 인자 양성률과 양성과 관련된 인자들
동아대학교 의과대학 가정의학과
: This study was done to estimate the prevalence of Rheumatoid Factor
(RF) positive rate in adult Korean population and to investigate the association between
rheumatoid factor positive rate and related factors.

Methods : The database from 4,678
subjects, who visited a general health screening center of an university hospital during 1 year
period were surveyed. RF was tested using a commercial latex test kit, HBsAg by RIA of 3rd
generation, anti-HCV by EIA of 3rd generation and serum AST, ALT by enzyme kinetic meth
od. Syphilis was checked using RPR test and TPHA. Lung diseases (tuberculosis, IPF) were
screened using chest X-ray. Flukes was checked by sedimentation method and cestodes was
by direct method in stool tests. Smokers were based on history on health screening.

Results :
1) The positive rate of RF was 4.4%, HBsAg was 5.9%, anti-HCV was 1.5% and ALT>35 IU/L
was 18.4%. The number of syphilis subjects was 19, lung diseases was 119, parasitic diseases
was 43, and smokers was 1,299. 2) RF positive rate of males was 4.0%, females was 5.3%.
Therefore, the positivity of females was higher than males and RF positivite rate was increased
in the higher age groups. 3) RF positive rate in HBsAg (+) subjects was 18.1% and HBsAg
(-) was 3.6% and in anti-HCV (+) subjects was 10.3% and anti-HCV (-) was 4.3%. 4) RF
positive rate of subjection both positive reactions of RPR test and TPHA, namely, syphilis tests
was 21.1%. 5) RF positive rate of parasitic diseases was 4.7%, lung diseases was 2.5% and
smokers was 4.2%. 6) RF positive rate was highly associated with HBsAg, syphilis, anti-HCV,
female sex, age in order of sequence.

Conclusion : The positive rate of RF in healthy Korean
adults can be estimated to be 4.5% and shows high association with hepatitis B and C virus
infection in addition to syphilis, age and sex.
Key Words: rheumatoid factor, HBsAg, anti-HCV, syphilis, sex, age
연구배경 : 건강 검진자를 대상으로 혈청 류마티스 인자를 측정하여 류마티스 인자 양성률을 추
정하고 RF와 RF양성과 관련된 인자들과의 연관성을 관찰하고자 하였다.

방법 : 한 종합병원 검진센터를 방
문한 류마티스 관절염의 과거력이 없는 4,678명을 대상으로 하여 정성적 latex agglutination test로 혈청
RF를 측정하였으며 HBsAg은 3세대 RIA, anti-HCV는 3세대 EIA로, 혈청 AST, ALT는 enzyme kinetic
method로 자동화 화학 분석기기로 측정했다. 매독은 RPR test, TPHA검사로 판단했으며 폐질환 (결핵,
IPF)은 흉부 X선 판독으로, 대변 검사에서 흡충류는 포르말린 에테르법을 이용한 침강법으로 하고 조충류
는 직접법을 사용했다. 흡연자는 검진 당시 담배를 피우고 있는가의 유무에 따라 결정되었다.

결과 : 1) 전
체 대상군의 류마티스 인자 양성률은 4.4%였고 HBsAg양성률은 5.9%, anti-HCV양성률은 1.5%, ALT>35
IU/L 이상인 경우는 18.4%였다. 매독(RPR test와 TPHA 모두 양성)은 19명, 폐질환(결핵-indeterminate와
active stage, IPF)은 119명, 기생충 질환은 43명, 흡연자는 1,299명이었다. 2) 남자의 류마티스 인자 양성
률은 4.0%, 여자는 5.3%로 여자가 유의하게 높았고 연령이 증가할수록 류마티스 인자 양성률이 증가하였
다. 3) 류마티스 인자 양성률은 HBsAg양성의 경우 18.1%, 음성인 경우 3.6%였고, anti-HCV양성의 경우
10.3%, 음성인 경우 4.3%였다. 매독검사에서 RPR test, TPHA 모두 양성반응을 보인 사람 중 류마티스 인
자 양성률은 21.1%, 기생충 질환은 4.7%였고 폐질환을 가진 사람 중 류마티스 인자 양성률은 2.5%, 흡연
자의 류마티스 인자 양성률은 4.2%였다. 4) 류마티스 인자 양성률과 높은 연관성을 가진 것으로 보이는 인
자는 순서대로 HBsAg, 매독, anti- HCV, 성별, 나이순이었다.

결론 : 우리나라 정상성인의 류마티스 인자
양성률은 4% 내외로 추정되며 우리나라와 같이 바이러스성 간염의 호발지역에서는 혈청 류마티스 인자 양
성반응의 해석에 있어서 B형 및 C형 간염 바이러스 감염여부를 고려해야 할 것으로 판단되며 아울러 매독
및 나이, 성별도 고려해야 할 대상으로 판단된다.
중심 단어: 류마티스 인자, 양성률, B형 간염항원, C형 간염항체, 매독, 성별, 나이


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