Glomerular Filtration Rate Difference between Renal Cyst Group and Control Group. |
Eun Jin Bae, Ju Seong Park, Seong Ho Han, Young Jin Park, You Ri Kim, Ho Woo Kim, Ki Han Kim |
Department of Family Medicine, Dong-A University College of Medicine, Busan, Korea. |
단순 신낭종 유무에 따른 사구체 여과율의 차이 |
배은진, 박주성, 한성호, 박영진, 김유리, 김호우, 김기한 |
동아대학교 의과대학 가정의학교실 |
Abstract |
Background The simple renal cyst is the most prevalent cystic deformation in adults and is most of them are incidentally found during medical examination. In this study, the clinical differences were compared between simple renal cyst and control groups diagnosed by abdominal ultrasonography during periodic medical examination.Methods: We randomly selected 2,277 persons who took medical examination in one general hospital health promotion center. Among them, analysis was conducted for 188 subjects with simple renal cyst and 188 subjects without renal cyst whose sex, age, and body mass index were matched. Renal cyst subjects were compared with control group to search for their relationship with hypertension, renal function and microscopic hematuria, past medical history, social history, results of other abdominal ultrasonography findings, urine test, and blood test. Results: Among 2,213 subjects, simple renal cyst was found in 188 subjects (8.5%). The subjects who had more than three simple renal cysts were significant older (P = 0.05) and the oldest age was 70's. Also, higher hypertension prevalence (P = 0.05), more microscopic hematuria, higher serum creatinine (P = 0.02), and lower glomerular filtration rate (P < 0.01) were observed in simple renal cyst group. Conclusion: It is needed to survey size, shape and change of simple renal cyst using abdominal ultrasonography as well as how its progression may be related to developing hypertension, decreased renal function and microscopic hematuria. |
Key Words:
Simple Renal Cyst; Abdominal Ultrasonography; Hypertension; Microscopic Hematuria; Creatinine; Glomerular Filtration Rate |