J Korean Acad Fam Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine 1991;12(11):14-20.
Published online November 1, 1991.
A clinical study in the diagnostic efficacy of mammography todetecty the breast carcinoma.
Jong Whan Cho, Seung Hoi Park, Hye Soon Park, Hong Jun Cho, Young Sik Kim
유방암 진단에 있어서의 유방촬영술의 진단적 효용성에 대한 고찰
조종환, 박승회, 박혜순, 조홍준, 김영식
울산의대 서울중앙병원 가정의학교실
This clinical study was performed on 15 cases of breast cancer and 49 cases of benign breast disease which were confirmed by pathology and preoperative mammography was taken during the period from July 1989 to June 1990.
The results were as follows :
1. Among the breast CA(carcinoma), the most prevalent age group was fourth & fifth decades and mean age was 46 years. benign breast disease, the popular age group was third decades and mean age was 35 years.
2. Among the breast CA chief complaints were palpable mass(80%), and pain(20%). In benign breast disease, chief complaints were palpable mass(82%) and mass(18%).
3. Many of the breast CA revealed cases with 2-5cm sized mass were 23cases(80%).
4. In benign disease, cases with less than 5cm sited mass were 42cases(86%).
5. In breast CA, locations of tumor were OUQ(53%), IUQ(20%), OLQ(13%), central(13%) area, In benign disease, they were OUQ(39%), IUQ(31%), central(8%), ILQ(8%), others(8%).
6. The efficacy of mammography to detect breast CA. was as followed : sensitivity was 73%, specificity was 87% and positive predictive value was 64%.


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