J Korean Acad Fam Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine 1991;12(12):32-41.
Published online December 1, 1991.
Survey on the grade of perception for acne.
Jee Eun Kim, Hong Jun Cho, Hye Soon Park, Young Sik Kim, Kyung Jeh Sung, Jai Kyoung Koh
여드름에 대한 인식도 조사
김지은, 조홍준, 박혜순, 김영식, 성경제, 고재경
울산의대 서울중앙병원 가정의학교실 울산의대 서울중앙병원 피부과학교실
Acne is one of the most common skin disease especially in the teens, however, it is not clear whether general public has right information about acne.
A survey was done to study the informations and opinions of high school students about acne. The 1005 cases of respondents among 1500 high-school students were evaluated about grade of perception for acne at june 1990.
1. A questionnair composed of 8 items of preliminary identification and 17 items of the grade of perception about acne. The questionnaire was completed by 1005 students of three high schools in Seoul Korea, ranged in age from 15 to 19.(489 boys and 516 girls)
2. More than two thirds(686,70.3%) of the respondents had acne on the day of survey, or had experienced acne at least once before. Among them, only 45 (6.2%)student have received diagnosis by doctors.
3. The mean age of onset of Acne was 14.92 years old for boys and 14.98 years old for girls.
4. More than half of the respondents had incorrect information in items among 17 questions about the perceptions of acne. As to the information about acne, no difference was found between those who were diagnosed by the doctors and those who were not.
5. From these results, we consider that many people have incorrect informations about acne, and more active education is needed to their patients and general public by the medical doctors.


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