J Korean Acad Fam Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine 1991;12(9):30-37.
Published online September 1, 1991.
Analysis of the clinical contents of obstetrical & gynecologic problems in family practice at a community hospital.
Moon Jong Kim, Tae Uk Yoo, Seung Yeong Shung, Sang Hwa Lee, Ki Woo Kwak, Bang Bu Youn
한 지역사회 병원에서의 가정의의 산부인과 진료내용에 대한 분석
김문종, 유태욱, 신승용, 이상화, 곽기우, 윤방부
연세대학교의과대학 가정의학교실
In order to be available in fundamental data for establishment & assesment of OB & Gyn. Curriculum and for practice guidance in family practice residency program practiced by a family physician at a community hospital from Jan. in 1990.
The results were as follows ;
1. The age distribution in 277 outpatients of this study was 39.9% in the twenties, 22.2% in the thrties, 16.4% in forties, 13.3% in fifties, 6.45% in the over sixty years old, 1.8% in the under nineteen years old.
2. The total number of chief complaints of problems of the outpatients was 436 and among them, leukorrhea was the most common problem(20.4%) 2nd was amenorrhea or antenatal care(18.7%). The percentage of problems from the most frequent to the 10th most frequent was 91.9%.
3. The following history takings were asked to the patients by physican : menstrual & parity history to 93.6%, 91.6% of patients, respectively. Contraceptives & sexual history to 29.2% of patients, family history & other medical history to 27.9% of patients.
4. The average number of diagnostic tools done per patient was 1.4, of which the top 10 most commonly performed tests comprised 99.2% of the total.
Gram stain & wet smear ranked first comprising 21.8% of the total and followed by Pap smear with 19.0%, and pelvic sonogram with 15.0%.
5. The diagnosis by physician were classified according to 378 items in the ICH PPC-2 defined method. Among 356 diagnoses, pregnancy or antenatal care was the most common diagnosis(21.9%) and followed by nonspecific vaginitis(18.0%).
The cumslative percentage from the most common diagnosis to 19th most common accounted for 95.9%.
6. Among them, normal delivery was 87.8%, vacuum delivery was 4.9%, and Cesarean section was 7.3%.


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