The analysis of clinical contents of a residency trained familyphysician: on patients followed up 6 months. |
Kyung Mi Park, Sang Young Lee, Nan Kyung Yang, Sun Bok Kim |
가정의학과전공의 과정을 수련한 한 개원의의 진료내용분석 |
이상영, 양난경, 김선복, 박경미 |
인천중앙길병원 가정의학과 |
Abstract |
In order to analyze the patients who visited long period on Family Practice office, 862 patients who were followed up more than 6 months by residency trained family physician were classified according to the ICPC coding system. The results were as follows.
1. The ratio of male and female was 1 : 1.3. 2. 0-9 year old group was largest by 33.6% The frequency of the pediatric group under 15 years old was 41.0% and the geriatric group above 65 years old was 5.2% 3. The total number of reasons for encounter (RFEs) was 1999, the average RFE per patient was 2. 3 and the kind of RFEs was 125. Among them, cough, fever, symptom/complaint throat, URI ranked most common. 4. The most common RFE system were respiratory system(37.2%), digestive system (20.9%), general system (15.05), respiratory system (6.2%). 5. The 113 kinds of diagnoses were used. All number of diagnoses was 1749, and mean number of diagnoses of each patient was 2. 02. The most common disease were URI (24.9%), disordered stomach function (8.9%), acute bronchitis/bronchiolitis (8.6%), tonsilitis acute (5.4%). 6. The most common disease system were respiratory system (49.8%), digestive system (24.4%), psychological system (4.0%), dermatologic system (3.8%). |