J Korean Acad Fam Med Search


Journal of the Korean Academy of Family Medicine 1991;12(4):1-7.
Published online April 1, 1991.
A study on the factors influencing pregnant women's behavior in oral iron supplement.
Cheol Hwan Kim, Jung Eal Choi, Ok Hee Jeon, Tai Woo Yoo, Bong Yul Huh
일개 도시지역 종합병원에서 분만한 임산부의 철분제제 복용에 영향을 미치는 요인에 관한 연구
허봉렬, 전옥희, 최정일, 김철환, 유태우
서울대학교병원 가정의학과
This study was performed in order to assess the factors influencing pregnant women's behavior in oral iron supplement and to document the reasons to stop oral iron supplement.
The 260 women's data which were collected by chart review and the responses to the prepared questionnaire in Bucheon Se Jong Hospital during 4 months(May, June, July, August) in 1990, were as analyzed.
The results were as follows :
1. The percentage of the women who took oral iron pill was 56.2%.
2. There was significant increase in the oral iron supplement if the pregnant women had higher education or the more income or antenatal care or the knowledge for iron supplement during pregnancy.
3. The most common reason for iron supplement during pregnancy was the knowledge for iron supplement. Then the doctor's advice was the second and the husband's advice was the third.
4. They discontinued iron supplement during pregnancy due to the side effects(32.9%), annoying continuous use(25.7%), forgetting the use(18.6%) and satisfying to herself(5.7%).
5. The mean values of hemoglobin and hematocrit were 11.8gm/dl and 35.3% in adequate supplement group, 11.0gm/dl and 33.3% in inadequate supplement group, and 10.0gm/dl and 30.9% in non-supplement group.


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